Sunday, May 17, 2015

Heart dynamic modelling


  • Diastole is when the heart is in rest;
  • Systole is when the heart is contracted;
  • The heart just has the ability to push out, not suck in. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mathematical modeling of the glucose–insulin system

Palumbo P, Ditlevsen S, Bertuzzi A, De Gaetano A, Mathematical modeling of the glucose–insulin system: A review, Mathematical Biosciences 244 (2013) 69–81.

Mathematical modeling of the glucose–insulin system. is a paper that organizes several models for the glucose-insulin system. 


The glucose–insulin system offers one of the clearest and simplest examples of homeostatic control in the organism.
Essentially a single hormone (insulin) is secreted by the β-cells of the pancreas in response to rising glucose concentrations (hyperglycemia).

A number of hormones contribute to rescuing the organism from hypoglycemia (adrenalin, glucagon, growth hormone, cortisol).

Created diagram 

Nice to have alongside

Fox SI, Human physiology, twelfth edition, McGrawHill, 2011.

Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology (book in light spot)

Jones DS, Sleeman BD, Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology. Chapman&Hall/CRC Mathematical Biology and Medicine Series, 2003. 

Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology is book regarding classical mathematical models using differential equations. It is intended to be educative rather than state of the art. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Em estudos recentes, observamos uma tendência atual em estudos bio-inspirados. De forma nem sempre destacada, essa onda de estudos é algo recente, mas com raízes no passado (alguns referem aos estudos de Aristóteles). Podemos afirmar com grau difícil de quantificar que essa onda estará entre os desafios do milênio com promessas de desenvolvimento de novas ideias e áreas de conhecimento. Neste artigo o autor usa seus melhores dons intelectuais na busca de mostrar formalmente esta nova tendência e convida novos cientistas (estudantes em especial) a aderirem a essa onda. De forma paralela objetivamos sugerir aos responsáveis pelo ensino de engenharias (em especial no Brasil), especialmente engenharia de produção e áreas correlacionadas, a inserirem essa nova onda dentro da grade curricular dos novos alunos. O artigo é baseado em leituras (as referências são deixadas) e experiência próprio (podendo ser encarado como o coração do trabalho).

Palavras-chaves: Ensino de Engenharias; bioengenharia; desafios do milênio; biomatemática; Engenharia de Produção.    

Fonte: Pires, J. G. Na importância da biologia e em engenharias: biomatemática e bioengenharias. Educação em Engenharia de Produção: estudo do ensino de engenharia de produção. Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção.  XX: 1-12, 2013.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


In recent scientific endeavors, we have noticed a trend toward bio-inspired studies. Usually in a reckless viewpoint, this wave of oriented-studies is something recent, but rooted in the past (some points out influences from Aristotle.) We might assert with a certain difficult degree to quantify that this will take place amongst the challenges of the new millennia with promises of development of novel ideas and branches of science. On the current paper, the author makes no effort to applying its best intellectual abilities in the target of demonstrating in a formal approach this new trend and simultaneously we invite the new scientists (in special students) for gathering this massive effort. In a parallel manner, but not lesser, we intend to catch the attention of the responsible ones for the transcripts of the engineering sciences to take into account this paper when designing new courses in engineering sciences or even making changes in old-teaching pathways; this is especially for Brazilian institutions and (industrial) production engineering. The article is based on papers – which references are left – and personal experiences – which can be faced as the golden nugget of the paper –.    

Keywords: Engineering-sciences teachings; bioengineering; the challenges of the millennia; biomathematics; (industrial) production engineering.

Based on: Pires, J. G. Na importância da biologia e em engenharias: biomatemática e bioengenharias. Educação em Engenharia de Produção: estudo do ensino de engenharia de produção. Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção.  XX: 1-12, 2013.